The lense is Nikon af-s nikkor (!!!?) 18-55mm 1:3.5-5.6 G
Strange as it may seem, I was a very good with the manual stuff as a teen as I inherited my dad's 'pre-automatisation' Pentax and was developing my own stuff in the school lab. Then, it got stolen, the next one (a Pentax too, but with more automated stuff) got broken by humidity and sand (Peru then Niger) and I received my first digital as a gift by my parents, at a time where dslr were still a luxury affordable only by the pros.
I still have that camera, the one that took that picture (see a couple of shots earlier in my stream). It gave what it could do, but starting this 365 project, I had the feeling I had to have something better if I really wanted to learn more.
So today, I went to a photo shop (Montrealers will know which one) and bought that camera. A bit over the intended budget, but my mom and my husband had given me money exactly for that purpose for my birthday yesterday. I paid the difference (well, my husband will probably share the weight). It will be a lot more satisfying for much longer time I think.
I didn't like my whole buying experience. I hate when they make me feel like an ignorant. I did have any confidence and didn't ask much questions. I was on the verge of tears the whole time.
But now I can start relearning what I knew then and next time (when it rains money) I'll look like a pro alright!
Hey, they're pretty light nowadays those things.
Hey Sara !
RépondreEffacerI felt just the same when I changed to my new Canon 450D. Je continue en français, sorry my English is a bit awkward when it comes to technical fields °_°
C'est mon premier digital camera "sérieux", avant j'avais un appareil 'argentique' Pentax et ensuite un compact numérique pas trop mal, mais pas génial non plus.
Je viens juste de franchir le pas, et le changement est vraiment impressionnant! On a enfin le sentiment de pouvoir faire de chouettes photos... ou en tout cas de s'amuser!
Si cela t'intéresse, je t'invite à voir mes premières tentatives (très classiques, pas encore très... lâchées) sur mon profil picasa.
And by the way, I love the reference to The Lord of the rings.
Superbe appareil ... je suis jalouse et encore à l'argentique ...
RépondreEffacerBon anniversaire en retard !
Niamey: pas la peine de passer à l'anglais, le français reste ma langue de prédilection après tout, mais j'avais écris le texte en anglais et je n'avais pas envie de traduire.
RépondreEffacerJe voudrais bien voir le photos, mais comme je n'ai pas de lien pour l'album, ça va être difficile. J'ai l'impression qu'on est supposé se connaitre, mais je ne sais pas qui se cache derrière le pseudo.
sylvie: il y a plein de gens qui ne jurent que par la pellicule! c'est juste que ça prend un budget plus constant au quotidien.
Sara, j'ai répondu sur ton adresse mail. Est-elle effectivement celle indiquée sur ton profil blogger ?